I thought I'd try and show a comparison of a new LED wedge base plug in bulb to the standard 1.5v wedge base bulbs that the Chalet comes standard with.
Here is the package
The url for the bulb is: http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fspecs%2FWLED-xHP10-D.htm
This is the "Warm White". It draws 195mA and gives off 98 lumens.
This picture is the new LED blub in a Chalet XL1910. The picture is color corrected, but otherwise un-edited. It is also intentionally underexposed and shot with manual settings. You can see the light is less warm (yellow) than the standard bulb, even when color corrected, but not too bluish. There is less spill on the ceiling, but good spread and coverage downward
The next picture is the standard bulb, the same exposure as above . More spill on the ceiling and the light is warmer. But the LED gives slightly better downward coverage. My eye tells me the LED is slightly brighter, but my camera seemed to think the standard blub was just slightly brighter. I'd have to say the light output of both lights is very close.
This is a correctly exposed shot of the LED. You see good coverage and brightness, with a light that is very acceptable in color to me.
Here is the light without the cover